best offline site building software


Please register and submit your project here:


Deadline: By 26 Jan 2024 (Fri) 2359H


Information Required For Registration

(1) Project Title

(2) Name of School


(3) School Logo (jpg format)


(4) Student Details (Full name and email)


(5) Teacher Details (Full name, email and contact no.)


(6) Description of problem (maximum 200 words)
What is the problem that the idea is designed to solve? Why is the problem important to you?


(7) Target Audience
Who will benefit from your solution?


(8) Key insights (maximum 100 words)
What are the key insights that you have gleaned from the understanding of the problem (through research/ talking to target users, etc) and existing solutions?


(9) Prototyping stages (if applicable) (maximum 200 words and 4 photos to be uploaded)
Show the stages of the prototyping process and elaborate on the improvement made to the prototypes along the way.


(10) Key Features of Proposed Solution (maximum 300 words)
What is novel and original about your solution?
What are the key features of your solution?
What are the scientific concepts applied in your solution?


(11) Illustrations (maximum 4 pictures/ photos to be uploaded)